Pasco Kids First Referral

We’re thrilled to announce our partnership with Pasco Kids First a dedicated organization that provides comprehensive programs to prevent, address, and heal the impact of physical and sexual abuse and neglect on children, adolescents, and their families.

As a valued client of Invincia Technologies, and in line with our commitment to community welfare, we’re taking our support for this vital cause a step further.


Here’s how you can join us in this endeavor:

  • For every referral to Invincia Technologies for IT Services, we will honor the referred individual or business with a $100 donation to Pasco Kids First.
  • Should the referral result in a new partnership, Invincia will contribute the entire first month’s invoice amount to Pasco Kids First on their behalf.

Your support can make a significant difference. We invite you to help us empower Pasco Kids First in their mission. Together, we can fortify the foundations of our community.

Tell us about your current needs: